Friday, August 03, 2007

I guess it's just about me now

Well, now that I'm getting back on track with this blog, let me tell you a little about what has been going on in my life.

The summer has been a scorcher. I think there was one week where the temperatures were comfortable, other than that it has been hot, hot, hot, and like this week--humid.

We've been a busy family. At the beginning of July we drove down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a little rest and relaxation. As usual, it's not very relaxing with two little ones, but we did still manage to get some rest and after I got over my bout with bronchitis we had a wonderful time. They sure do know how to do fireworks up right down there.

The girls went to camp for a week. I figured it would help our youngest get used to going to preschool in the fall. I've always been home with her, so I hope she'll be okay with the transition.

Then the oldest participated in a reading camp at her school for two weeks. It was a great learning experience and she made a new friend--so it was well worth the money.

And during all this fun stuff, my writing career has begun to blossom. My bi-monthly writing gig for Writer2Writer has turned into a monthly writing gig. My latest article, Seven Ways Writers Can Reduce Stress appeared in the July issue.

I started writing book reviews for The Muse Book Reviews (, began two new blogs, and got involved in an exciting new project which aims to encourage a love of reading and writing in young people. And my connection with Pump Up Your Book Promotion ( has given me the chance to interview some great authors like Vicki M. Taylor, Marilyn Morris, and bestselling author Jane Green.

I've even made time to write a little fiction here and there. My co-author/sister and I got back to work on revisions to the novel whose first draft we finished last August and I began revising a short story which I had hoped to submit to Wolfmont Publishing in February.

So, all in all, I am happy to be a wife, mother, and aspiring author right now. Though I have been very busy during the day and the girls are beginning to think I love my computer more than them. It's very sad that I actually have to schedule free time these days, but I also know if I don't put it on my calendar, I'll skip it. And since the kids are only young once I better remember to pencil them into my day planner too.

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