Meet Dr. Susan Gregg, hypnotherapist and author

This month just keeps getting better and better. Dr. Susan Gregg is a clinical hypnotherapist residing in Hawaii. She has authored many books including Dance of Power, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Spiritual Healing, and the award-winning Mastering the Toltec Way: a Daily Guide to Happiness, Freedom, and Joy. Today, Dr. Gregg joins us to chat about her latest release, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Short Meditations.
Welcome to my blog Dr. Gregg. It’s a pleasure to have you here.
Thanks so much for having me.
Why don’t we start off by finding out more about you. Can you tell us a little bit about the transformation which brought you to where you are today?
Most of my early life I was depressed and miserable. In the 1980s my mother was killed in a car accident. My world was turned upside down. After a steep descent into addictions I realized there had to be a better way to live. I began reading a wide variety of self-help and books on spirituality. After a near death experience I realized happiness wasn't dependent upon the events in my life-- it was dependent upon what I told myself about life. So I began to explore other ways to view life.
According to your website -
“Happiness really is just a thought away” and we can learn to be happy no matter what is going on in our lives. Can you explain more about this concept and also why you believe writing is such a powerful tool in helping people learn to be happy?
If we think someone or something is going to make us happy the likelihood of being happy is somewhere between nil and zip. Happiness really is an inside job. At one point in my process I realized if I was waiting for something to occur it was like waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow never gets here because by the time it does it is today. The gift is I don't have to change my external life, all I have to change is what I tell myself about what is. It takes some practice but it's extremely freeing.
Writing was one of the tools I used to see what it was that I was telling myself. Journaling is a wonderful way to get to know yourself, to see your beliefs and change them. You can only be as happy as you make your mind up to be. And I found writing a wonderful way to change my thoughts so I can be very happy.
What inspired you to write The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Short
To be honest my agent contacted me one day and asked me if I wanted to write the book. I've been meditating since the 1970s and have taught people for over 20 years how to meditate so it seemed like a natural. Whenever I do a group I usually do a guided meditation so writing the book was fun. I really enjoyed writing it and I've been getting wonderful feedback.
Can self-help books really change people’s lives? How can people get the most out of self-help books like yours?
Self-help books alone can't change people's lives. As a matter of fact years ago I had a woman come to me for help. One of the first things she told me was that she had one whole wall filled with self-help books. I asked her if she'd ever done any of the exercises and she said no. Just reading the books may help a little, but fully engaging with the books, doing the exercises, and applying the techniques will assist you in transforming your life.
If you simply modify the way you think a little bit each day you'll be amazed at how much your life will change in a year. Self-help books are a wonderful way to brainwash yourself and if you're not happy your brain does need washing. Washing away the negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones, ones that are loving and expansive will create a life filled with magic and miracles.
If people have never used relaxation techniques or meditated before, will they still be able to take advantage of the exercises in your book?
My book makes meditation simple. I equate guided meditations and relaxation techniques to the game of let's play pretend. I say relax and you pretend to relax. It really is that easy.
If you had to sum up The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Short Meditations in one sentence, what would it be?
If you'd like to be happy, if you'd like to create what you want when you want it, if you'd like to experience more love, joy and ease read this book and use the techniques and it.
You’ve dedicated your life to helping people, but that kindness also extends to our animal friends. Can you tell us about your animal rescue missions?
I don't know if I'd call it animal rescue missions as much as animals who need a new home come to me. I've taken in strays and nursed animals hit by cars back to health. I just love animals and as they come into my life I take care of them. Ever since I was little girl I've been rescuing injured animals and the love they give me in return is so worth it.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers today?
Give yourself the gift of creating the life of your dreams. If you can dream it you can have it. Let yourself dream big and be happy. You deserve it!
Dr. Gregg, thank you for spending some time with us today. I would also like to extend my best wishes for continued success.
Thanks for having me. I am so excited I have just been asked to write a book on Angels, Saints, Deities and Enlightened Masters, so look for it next year. I hope to talk to you again real soon!
Labels: author, Dr. Susan Gregg, hypnotherapy, self-help, The Complete Idiots Guide to Short Meditations, writing
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