Rachel and Judy's "Letter to My Lover" Valentine's Day Contest

Since February is the time for cupids and hearts and all things romantic and sometimes not-so-romantic, what better time than to write a letter to your lover?
On February 1, 2008, Rachel Greene Baldino and Judy Ford, authors of the book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Sexual Desire, are embarking on a virtual book tour around the world collecting letters from bloggers who would like to tell their lovers how they really feel about them - the good and the bad - and become a part of their tour!
If you would like to become involved in their contest, this is how it works:
1. Think of the things you would like to say to your lover, but haven't had the time or the reason, whether it's to say how much you love them or how they drive you up the wall. Yes, the good and the bad and the funnier or more outrageous the better! Let everything hang out!
2. Do not use names. Name your blog post "Letter to My Lover" and begin your post with "Dear Lover" They'll have to guess who it's for!
3. Post your message on your blog between now and February 14th and send us the exact link to thewriterslife(at)yahoo.com. Please put "Letter to my Lover" in your subject line.
4. When we receive your link, we will add it to Rachel and Judy's tour at http://virtualbooktoursforauthors.blogspot.com/2008/01/complete-idiots-guide-to-enhancing.html.
5. But, that's not all! Rachel and Judy will pick one of the bloggers who participate a FREE copy of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Sexual Desire! That's their Valentine's Day present to you!
6. And not only that, we will promote your blog through our daily promotions using your blog post as part of their virtual book tour, thus bringing you lots of traffic during February!
7. We also ask that you include a jpeg copy of Rachel and Judy's book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Sexual Desire, in your blog post. You can find their book cover at http://virtualbooktoursforauthors.blogspot.com/2008/01/complete-idiots-guide-to-enhancing.html (you are welcome to copy and paste from there).
8. All participants will be listed on Rachel and Judy's tour page so that everyone can read YOUR letters to your lover!
That's all there is to it! Hurry before time runs out. Become involved in a nationwide campaign to tell the world what you think about your lover and see how much fun it will be to read the letters of others. Share your letters and become involved in RACHEL AND JUDY'S "LETTER TO MY LOVER" VALENTINE'S DAY CONTEST!
Rachel and Judy's virtual book tour will be highly publicized including press releases and other promotions and is brought to you by Pump Up Your Book Promotion, an innovative public relations agency specializing in online book promotion. You can visit their website at http://www.pumpupyourbookpromotion.com/.
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Labels: Judy Ford, Letter to My Lover Valentine's Day Contest, Rachel Greene Baldino, self-help book, sexuality, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Sexual Desire, virtual book tour
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