Judi Moreo's Achieve Your Dreams Virtual Book Tour '08--My Goals

“Every step I take brings me closer to the realization of my dreams.”
It's the first day of the New Year, and that is always a good time to set a few goals. As a writer, I set yearly goals, which I break down into monthly goals, and then break them down further into goals to achieve each week. I find I am most productive if I have a new list in front of me every week. I also post this weekly to-do list at the online writers group I belong to. The support from my fellow writers motivates me to do more. That might sound strange, but being a stay-at-home mom who has little contact to the outside world, I need this type of interaction to keep me sane.
The first line of this post is a quotation that I have been asked to repeat until I understand it's powerful message. Having read Judi Moreo's book "You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman's Guide to Purpose, Passion and Power" I already know the power of these words. I loved this book and I'm sure I will quickly fall in love with the "Achievement Journal" that Judi has designed to go along with it. I actually, just recommended "You Are More Than Enough" to a friend today.
So, where was I? Oh yeah, goals. See how easily I can get off track. As a participant in Judi's Achieve Your Dreams Virtual Book Tour '08 I am setting forth these goals to help me fulfill my dreams.
* I will make more time for my own writing
I love promoting the work of others and writing book reviews, but I miss my own writing. I commit to working on something of my own at least once a month.
* I will post at this blog more often.
I was very excited when I started this blog. After a while, it began to focus more on other people than on me, so I started a new blog for author interviews and book reviews, and now it's just about little ole me again; my interests and what it is like to be a wife, mother, and aspiring author.
My readers must think I don't do anything, because I rarely post here. But I will post here more frequently, because I believe in myself and my dreams and I want to share them with you.
* I will appreciate my family more.
It is unrealistic to think I will ever be Donna Reed or June Cleaver, but I tend to take my family for granted. I whine about what I have to accomplish, but rarely consider how hard it is for my husband to get up and go to work five days a week and carry most of the burden of supporting our family, so that I can stay at home with the girls.
I also forget sometimes that my girls won't be this young forever. I constantly tell them to wait a minute or lose my temper with them because I am too tired from putting in long hours at the PC.
If I want to make my dream of being a published author a reality, I need to make more quality time for my family and appreciate them more.
* I will not over commit.
This is the one goal I am most concerned about achieving. I volunteer for every new project that is mentioned at church, on town committees, or at my children's schools. While volunteering is an excellent way to show my children how to give back to the community, if it leaves me exhausted or working so late that I am tired and cranky, then what am I really teaching them.
In the spirit of my last goal, I will stop at four. No need to set goals I won't achieve. That's just depressing.
May 2008 be the year that all of us achieve our dreams!
Click on the title of this blog entry to be directed to Amazon.com where you can purchase a copy of Judi Moreo's "Achievement Journal"
Check out my review of "You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman's Guide to Purpose, Passion & Power" at http://thebookconnectionccm.blogspot.com/2007/09/you-are-more-than-enough-every-womans.html and if you would like to read my interview with one of the most amazing women I have ever come in contact with, go to http://thebookconnectionccm.blogspot.com/2007/08/meet-motivational-speaker-and-author.html
Labels: Achieve Your Dreams Virtual Book Tour, finding your dreams, goal setting, Judi Moreo
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