Thursday, April 24, 2008

What makes you an aspiring author?

I often wonder what makes writers aspiring authors instead of published authors? For myself, I know a lot of it is lack of time. Yet, I also know, I waste time here and there that I could more wisely use to concentrate on some of my works in progress.

So, why don't I do it? Hmmm...that is a good question.

I promised that I would be bringing you some new stuff soon. And here I am delivering on that promise. I would like you to comment on why you feel you haven't become a published author yet? I'll start you off:

1) Time
2) Lack of support from family and friends
3) Haven't found the right market
4) The shoulder vultures named self-doubt and anxiety keep me from submitting my work
5) The editors I've submitted to don't recognize good talent when they see it

Okay, that last one is supposed to be funny. But seriously, I want to know what you think is holding you back. Then we can talk about some of these reasons you haven't been published yet and possible solutions in future blog entries.

So, let me hear ya!

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

New book reviews and guest bloggers at The Book Connection

Well, I am feeling totally guilty about not posting here more often, but I have to tell you, I have barely a minute to breathe lately. I've been sick for two weeks now and I'm hoping this darn virus goes away soon.

In addition to virtual book tours, I am writing the skits for our Vacation Bible School program this year, which will take place in August. I'm also working with three classes at my daughter's preschool to author and illustrate books for their annual art show coming up on May 1st.

I reviewed nine books last month and I've still got almost 30 more to go. Here's what you'll find over at The Book Connection.

* Announcements of my interviews with the writer and contributors to Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul. These interviews will include discussions with past Idols, backstage crew, and fans of the show.

* An interview with Sheila Roberts about her latest release, Bikini Season.

* Reviews of The Fireborn Chronicles, Astro Socks, The Poetry of Murder, The Cake Thief, Quo Vadis, Israel?,The Squirrel, the Worm and the Nut Trees, and The Little Candy Breathing Dragons.

* Guest posts from H. Peter Nennhaus, Theresa Chaze, and Robin Jay.

This and so much more can be found at The Book Connection, so why don't you get connected too by stopping by the blog that connects readers and writers.

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