Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Time Management articles on Writer2Writer

Here is a list of some of the articles I've written as a contributor to Writer2Writer:

Procrastination: Kill it Now!

Back to School and Back to Your Writing Schedule

Distractions: Don't Let Them Steal Your Writing Time

If You Over Commit, You Won't Submit: Learning to Say "No"

Falling in Love with SMART Goals: A Sure Way to Increase Productivity

These articles and many more from the talented staff at Writer2Writer can help you earn money from your writing. If you've ever dreamed of being a full-time writer, make sure you bookmark Writer2Writer and check back often. And don't forget to sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter.

You'll find more advice from Writer2Writer at our new blog.

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And we're back!

Sorry for the extended hiatus. The Outer Banks were lovely, as always. The weather warm and sunny; the beach clean and cool; the time with family, priceless.

Reality hit as soon as I returned. While away I read three books and had reviews to write. I have 5 virtual book tours to plan for August--which are coming along nicely. Plans for Vacation Bible School continue to come together and we're back into our schedule of Sylvan 4 days a week for our oldest daughter.

Make sure you check out The Book Connection for reviews, author interviews, and guest posts from some of today's most talented authors. Speaking of books and authors, I reviewed a wonderful resource that should be on every aspiring author's bookshelf.

The Dog Walked Down the Street: An Outspoken Guide for Writers Who Want to Publish by Sal Glynn is small on size and big on advice for the aspiring author. You can read my review here.

Look for more resources and tips to help you work toward publication coming soon from The Aspiring Author.

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